From Idea To Software, guestlecture At Radboud University.


The 15th International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB 2024), reviewer, track chair for the short papers.

Ethics In Practice: How It Influences the Software We Build, Keynote at ICSOB 2024.

Is Our Chatbot Telling Lies? Assessing Correctness of an LLM-based Dutch Support Chatbot – Herman Lassche, Michiel Overeem, and Ayushi Rastogi. (pdf)

The Power of Words in Agile vs. Waterfall Development: Written Communication in Hybrid Software Teams – Delina Ly, Michiel Overeem, Sjaak Brinkkemper, and Fabiano Dalpiaz, Journal of Systems and Software volume 219 (2025), 112243. (doi)


How we write better software with low-code, at GOTO Amsterdam 2023.

Third price VERSEN PhD Thesis Awards (VERSEN).


Stop throwing away data prematurely! (an introduction to event sourcing and CQRS), At Rabobank TechHouse meeting.

Reminiscing a crazy journey: building an event sourced ERP system, Keynote at AxonIQ Con 2022 ( slides, recording).

Evolution of low-code platforms - guest post at modeling-languages.com

Evolution of Low-Code Platforms – Michiel Overeem, PhD dissertation (2022). (pdf, uu library)

Low-Code Platforms, Tales from a Software Architect, At exec(ut) 2022 ( recording).

API-m-FAMM: A focus area maturity model for API Management – Michiel Overeem, Max Mathijssen, and Slinger Jansen, Information and Software Technology volume 147 (2022), 106890. (doi)


A system with thousands of event types, At EventSourcing Live 2021 ( slides, recording).

Event system evolution - A Scientific Study on Event Sourcing, Lessons from Industry, At EventSourcing Live 2021 ( slides, recording).

Proposing a Framework for Impact Analysis for Low-Code Development Platforms – Michiel Overeem, and Slinger Jansen, In Proceedings of 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C). (workshop)

API Management Maturity of Low-Code Development Platforms – Michiel Overeem, Slinger Jansen, and Max Mathijssen, In Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. BPMDS 2021, EMMSAD 2021. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 421. Springer, Cham. (doi, pdf, recording)

Evaluations of the API Management Maturity of Four Low-Code Development Platforms – Michiel Overeem, Slinger Jansen, and Max Mathijssen. DOI 10.17632/wdtg5ytdpf.1 (data)

An Empirical Characterization of Event Sourced Systems and Their Schema Evolution - Lessons from Industry – Michiel Overeem, Marten Spoor, Slinger Jansen, and Sjaak Brinkkemper, Journal of Systems and Software In Practice volume 178 (2021), 110970. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.01146. (doi, pdf)

DevTalks episode 24: Low code: AFAS software met Michiel Overeem – Podcast recording. (recording)

An Empirical Characterization of Event Sourced Systems and Their Schema Evolution - Lessons from Industry - Accompanying Anonymized Transcripts – Michiel Overeem, Marten Spoor, Slinger Jansen, and Sjaak Brinkkemper. DOI 10.17632/dgbxyn7yw3.1 (data)


Source Data for the Focus Area Maturity Model for API Management – Max Mathijssen, Michiel Overeem, and Slinger Jansen, arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.10611. (pdf)

Identification of Practices and Capabilities in API Management: A Systematic Literature Review – Max Mathijssen, Michiel Overeem, and Slinger Jansen, arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.10481. (pdf)

Aggregate Architecture Simulation in Event-Sourcing Applications using Layered Queuing Networks – Gururaj Maddodi, Slinger Jansen, and Michiel Overeem, In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE '20). (pdf)

A technical introduction to AFAS Focus, At Mendix Tech Lead meeting.


103 years of event sourcing experience, At DDD Vienna Meetup. (slides)

Applying event sourcing and CQRS in a large ERP system, At DDD Vienna Meetup. (slides)

The last barrier: code the coder, At Emerce Next.

Tackling Complexity in ERP Software: a Love Song to Bounded Contexts – Machiel de Graaf and Michiel Overeem, In: Domain Driven Design, The First 15 Years (Leanpub)


Continuous Migration of Mass Customized Applications - Michiel Overeem, Slinger Jansen, In Proceedings of the 17th Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop (BENEVOL 2018). (pdf)

The Dark Side of Event Sourcing: Managing Data Conversion, At LAC Congres 2018. (slides)

Generative versus Interpretive Model-Driven Development: Moving Past ‘It Depends’ – Michiel Overeem, Slinger Jansen, and Sven Fortuin, In: Pires L., Hammoudi S., Selic B. (eds) Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. MODELSWARD 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 880. Springer, Cham (pdf)

Building an event sourced system in .NET, At Dutch .NET Group Meetup. (recording, slides)

Event Sourcing after launch, At Drukwerkdeal.nl Developer Meetup.

Event Sourcing after launch, how to evolve your event store along with your application, At DDDEurope 2018. (recording, slides)


The Dark Side of Event Sourcing: Managing Data Conversion, At KanDDDinsky 2017. (slides)

Event Sourcing after launch, how to evolve your event store along with your application, At TechDays 2017, Netherlands. (recording, slides)

Scalable Enterprise Applications with CQRS and Service Fabric, At TechDays 2017, Netherlands. (recording, slides)

NEXT: Generating Tailored ERP Applications from Ontological Enterprise Models - Henk van der Schuur, Erik van de Ven, Rolf de Jong, Dennis Schunselaar, Hajo Reijers, Michiel Overeem, Machiel de Graaf, Slinger Jansen, and Sjaak Brinkkemper, In Proceedings of the 10th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM'17). (pdf)

The Dark Side of Event Sourcing, At DomCode meetup.

The Dark Side of Event Sourcing, At DDD Belgium Meetup.

An Exploration of the `It’ in `It Depends’: Generative versus Interpretive Model-Driven Development – Michiel Overeem and Slinger Jansen, In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2017). (pdf)

The Dark Side of Event Sourcing: Managing Data Conversion – Michiel Overeem, Marten Spoor, and Slinger Jansen, In Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2017). (pdf)


Safer Software Upgrades With Continuous Deployment and Model Driven Development, At BENEVOL 2016. (slides)


Enterprise software schaalbaar maken met Service Fabric (dutch), At Microservices with Microsoft. (recording, slides)


Building large client side JavaScript apps, At Devnology Community Day 2014. (recording, slides)


Testing Properties of Generic Functions - Patrik Jansson, Johan Jeuring, Laurence Cabenda, Gerbo Engels, Jacob Kleerekoper, Sander Mak, Michiel Overeem, and Kees Visser, In Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4449.